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Upper Hutt City 租金均价
Upper Hutt City 平均房价
Whitemans Valley 售价
Upper Hutt City 学校
A946 Whitemans Valley Road, Whitemans Valley
租金 $550 2014年02月
House: 5 睡房 2 卫生间
土地面积: [测量]
销售中介: Rental Managers ltd

地图位置 | 街景 | 周边 | 公交
To book in to see this property, please go to www.rentalmanagers.viewingtracker.com. We are looking for careful tenants who want to experience "The Good Life". This smart 5 bedroom home features 2 separate living areas, one with heat pump. Modern kitchen with up to date appliances, breakfast bar and chip heater. 5 double bedrooms (master with ensuite), office. There is great indoor/outdoor flow to the gardens and covered decking. For pleasure there is a heated swimming pool at your disposal. There are nine paddocks and an outbuilding. (sheep allowed but not cattle). Some wood is also avaliable to start the winter off. There is a double garage plus off street parking. The owners will consider an outside dog as there is a dog run. Situated a short drive to Siverstream Village and station. School bus stops outside the gate for certain schools and the wider bus network. If the paddocks are not required the rent is REDUCED to $500 per week. Good references and clean credit history essential. Please send us an email stating your full name, age, occupation, contact details, who the tenants will be etc. We respond to all emails. All appointments to view are made via the internet. To book in to see this property, please go to www.rentalmanagers.viewingtracker.com.
Hutt International Boys' School中学106公里
St Brendan's School (Heretaunga)小学86.1公里
Silverstream Christian School中小学995.6公里
St Patrick's College (Silverstream)中学95.7公里
Upper Hutt College中学77.6公里


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