Upper Hutt City 平均房价Upper Hutt City 租金均价 |  更多照片 | G830 Whitemans Valley Road, Whitemans Valley | $859,000+ listed in 2018年02月 | Lifestyle Property: 4 1 | 建筑面积: 134 sqm | 销售中介: Oliver Road Estate Agents Limited (Licensed: REAA 2008) | You wonu2019t know how lucky you are until you own this classic 10 acre block, once used as part of a film set for Fred Daggu2019s Country Calendar! Like a miniature farm, this affordable property...更多 | 地图位置 | 街景 | 周边 |
 更多照片 | H419b Katherine Mansfield Drive, Whitemans Valley | $520,000+ listed in 2017年11月 | Rural Lifestyle: | 土地面积: 114,200 sqm | 销售中介: Oliver Road Estate Agents Limited (Licensed: REAA 2008) | Buying this absolutely stunning piece of New Zealand would mean taking advantage of an opportunity not to be missed. Less than ten minutes from Upper Hutt's CBD and 40 minutes from Wellington sits...更多 | 地图位置 | 街景 | 周边 |
 更多照片 | I1063C Blue Mountains Road, Whitemans Valley | $1,250,000+ listed in 2017年11月 | Lifestyle: 5 1 4  | 土地面积: 47,100 sqm | 建筑面积: 206 sqm | 销售中介: Oliver Road Estate Agents Limited (Licensed: REAA 2008) | The moment you step onto this property, you'll know you've found something truly special. Proud owners have maintained and enhanced the grounds, infrastructure and dwellings over the memorable...更多 | 地图位置 | 街景 | 周边 |
 更多照片 | J31e Kakariki Way, Whitemans Valley | $449,000+ listed in 2017年05月 | Section: | 土地面积: 38,200 sqm | 销售中介: Safari Real Estate Ltd Tommy's, Lower Hutt | Lifestyle sections like this are becoming scarce, especially in popular Kakariki Way, just a 10 minute drive to Sliverstream Village, motorway and railway station. Situated at the end of a private...更多 | 地图位置 | 街景 | 周边 |