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Selwyn Median Rent
Selwyn Median Price
Arthurs Pass sale price
Selwyn schools
A530 Settlement Road, OTIRA, Westland, Arthurs Pass
Rent $150 in Feb 2014
3 Bed rooms
Land size: [Measure]

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Property Description:
3 bedroom house with 1 bathroom.

Quiet country hamlet.
We own 18 houses in Otira and have a house available now. 1 hour from Greymouth, 2 hours from Christchurch. Large front and back yard with room for vege garden.
Wetback log burner fire in dining room. 3 bedrooms .

Moana School Bus nearby for years 1-8.

Available for short or long term.
Otira is country living with neighbours, only 18 houses in the street. Great lifestyle with fresh mountain air and views, plentiful birdlife and very caring people.

The normal 4 weeks bond is payable to Tenancy Bond Services plus first week's rent in advance.

More info on our website

Slide the map down on "terrain" for quite a way and you will come to Otira. I am unable to put a pin on it, unfortunately.

Suitable for up to 6 tenants.
Smokers OK, pets negotiable.
Nearby Schools:
Our Lady of Snows School (Methven)Primary1076.8 km
Mt Somers Springburn SchoolPrimary1083.6 km
Oxford Area SchoolCombined763.2 km
Darfield High SchoolSecondary874.7 km
Ashburton CollegeSecondary7106.4 km
>>More schools

The property data is from the public websites.

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