HAVELOCK NORTH Median PriceHAVELOCK NORTH Median Rent |  More Photos | A126E Napier Road, Havelock North | $339,000+ listed in Oct 2015 | House: 3 1 | Land size: 507 sqm | Building size: 116 sqm | This well presented, 1920s villa has been modernised and set on a sunny fully fenced 507sqm section that is quiet and private ? what more could you ask for!\n\nFeatures of this property include...more | Map | Street view | Nearby |
 More Photos | B55b Palmerston Road, Havelock North | $435,000 listed in Apr 2015 | House: 4 1 | Land size: 1,153 sqm | Building size: 206 sqm | Situated up a long drive, well away from the road, this two level early 1970\'s home enjoys a private setting surrounded by large, well presented properties and trees. From this vantage point...more | Map | Street view | Nearby |
 More Photos | C2 Whakatomo Place, Havelock North | $565,000+ listed in Oct 2014 | House: 4 2 | Land size: 770 sqm | Building size: 192 sqm | Set in a highly sought after sub-division with close proximity to the village, this stunning ex show home offers immaculate family living in a handy location.\n\nMinimise your Ecological footprint...more | |
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