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Wellington City 租金均价
Wellington City 平均房价
Lambton 售价
Wellington City 学校
ARm 7/195 The Terrace, Wellington Central, Lambton
租金 $220 2014年02月
1 睡房
销售中介: Full House Management Ltd

地图位置 | 街景 | 周边 | 公交
1 bedroom house with 1 bathroom.

AN OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE IN ONE OF WELLINGTONS PREMIER HOMES RIGHT ON THE TERRACE SHARED ACCOMODATION - This is not a one bedroom flat but a large room available in one of Wellingtons finest historic homes - Carrigafoyle.

Carrigafoyle is one of Welingtons most prestigious grade one historic homes built in 1903 using the finest native timbers and craftsmanship. The stunning stained glass is regarded as the finest in Wellington for a residential building.

An opportunity has arisen for a quality tenant to reside here. Ten studio/rooms share the three bathrooms, free laundry and the large beautiful fully equipped kitchen. The common areas are professionally cleaned twice weekly.

The available room which faces east to catch the afternoon sun is unfurnished but includes a small fridge. The rent excludes power, cleaning and most consumables and these are $30 per week. .

Carrigafoyle has been assessed by Wellington City Council as not being earthquake prone. It has a full sprinkler system throughout with alarms monitored by NZ fire service. It has a current building warrant of fitness issued by Wellington City Council.

If you are a discerning quality tenant and want to treat yourself to grand accommodation in a prime location on a modest budget please call or phone.

To view please ring 8021700 and ask to talk to one of our leasing agents. You can also check our website www.yourfullhouse.co.nz and click on 'Check Viewing Times' on the home page.
No pets or smokers.

Agency reference #: FH11513
Clifton Terrace Model School小学9294米
St Mary's College (Wellington)中学9664米
Sacred Heart Cathedral School小学9664米
Wellington Girls' College中学10799米
Thorndon School小学10979米


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