搜房价 | 搜租金 | 买房报告 | 学校 | 澳洲关于 | 反馈
Selwyn 租金均价
Selwyn 平均房价
Windwhistle 售价
Selwyn 学校
A218/623 Coleridge Road Villa 218, Windwhistle
租金 $360 2017年09月
House: 3 睡房 1 卫生间
土地面积: [测量]
销售中介: Methven Real Estate Ltd

地图位置 | 街景 | 周边
AVAILABLE 28TH AUGUST 2015 lovely fully furnished private 3 bedroom downstairs villa, kitchen with dishwasher, dining lounge area opening onto private patio area with stunning views, main bedroom with ensuite raised spa bath, walk-in-shower, vanity and toilet, enclosed laundry area with dryer, separate bathroom with walk-in-shower, vanity and toilet, gas fire, heat p(ump , under floor heating, covered carport with lockable storage area
Our Lady of Snows School (Methven)小学1016.2公里
Darfield High School中学832.6公里
Ashburton College中学745.6公里
Ashburton Borough School小学746.4公里
Longbeach School小学952.9公里


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