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A2/240 Kawai Street, Nelson South
$260,000+ listed in 2015年11月
House: 3 睡房 1 卫生间 1 车位
建筑面积: 90 sqm
This low maintenance tidy home is ideal for families, first home buyers or investors. Work out the numbers ? positive cash flow from day one!\n\nFeatures of the property include: \n\n3 good sized...更多
地图位置 | 街景 | 周边

B5 Brunner Street, Nelson South
$318,000+ listed in 2014年08月
House: 3 睡房 1 卫生间
土地面积: 607 sqm | 建筑面积: 90 sqm
Set elevated and well back from the street for peace and security, this solid, weatherboard home offers ideal living both indoors and out. \n\nFeatures of the property include: \n\n* 3 bedrooms ...更多
地图位置 | 街景 | 周边


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