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Rodney 平均房价
Rodney 租金均价
Rodney 学校
A260 Rodney Street, Wellsford
$595,000 listed in 2013年09月
House: 3 睡房 1 卫生间 1 车位
土地面积: 2,746 sqm | 建筑面积: 140 sqm [测量]
销售中介: United Real Estate (Warkworth) Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008)

地图位置 | 街景 | 周边 | 公交
This 3 bedroom home is solid concrete base with roughcast and has concrete roof tiles. The very comfortable home was refurbished 4 years ago, so you can move straight in, there's nothing left to do.

The conservatory is an added bonus. Downstairs is a single garage with workshop, storage and an extra room, good for many uses. The location makes for an easy walk to the township with the Medical Centre and Community Centre nearby.

The large grounds offer space and privacy. The rural views add to the picture. All of this on a land size of 2746sqm in 3 titles, 2 of those, with no building covenants.

This property could be exactly what you're looking for, so make time and come and view it with me, viewings are strictly by appointment.
Living Way Learning Centre中小学5545米
Ahuroa School小学720.7公里
Mahurangi College中学816.7公里
Tauhoa School小学717.3公里
Mahurangi Christian School小学824.3公里


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