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Upper Hutt City 平均房价
Upper Hutt City 租金均价
Whitemans Valley租金搜索
Upper Hutt City 学校
A77 Johnsons Road, Whitemans Valley
$659,000+ listed in 2013年10月
搜租金 $500pw in 2017年09月
House: 3 睡房 1 卫生间 3 车位
土地面积: 40,100 sqm | 建筑面积: 145 sqm [测量]
销售中介: Gillies and Mark Realty Ltd

地图位置 | 街景 | 周边 | 公交
BEO $659,000. Love the character and charm of a bygone era but enjoy the mod cons? This unique 145m2 villa, on a predominantly flat 10 ha block, offers exactly that. Relocated to its new resting place roughly 13 years ago and beautifully restored to its former glory, you can rest easy knowing it's been re-wired, re-plumbed, re-piled and well insulated throughout. Enjoy spring days on the porch or rear deck enjoying the peace and fresh air that can only be really appreciated in a rural environment. Mature shelterbelts offer protection from the weather, privacy and a seemingly endless supply of firewood. With features that include a log burner with wetback, under floor heating in the kitchen and main bathroom, double garage with carports on each end, garden shed, barn and spring fed stock water, all make this an ideal lifestyle environment for you and your family. To secure your time to view call Dan Mark today.
Silverstream Christian School中小学995.1公里
St Patrick's College (Silverstream)中学95.3公里
St Brendan's School (Heretaunga)小学86公里
Tui Glen School小学24.2公里
Hutt International Boys' School中学105.9公里


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