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Upper Hutt City 平均房价
Upper Hutt City 租金均价
Whitemans Valley租金搜索
Upper Hutt City 学校
A419b Katherine Mansfield Drive, Whitemans Valley
$520,000+ listed in 2017年11月
Rural Lifestyle:
土地面积: 114,200 sqm [测量]
销售中介: Oliver Road Estate Agents Limited (Licensed: REAA 2008)

地图位置 | 街景 | 周边 | 公交
Buying this absolutely stunning piece of New Zealand would mean taking advantage of an opportunity not to be missed. Less than ten minutes from Upper Hutt's CBD and 40 minutes from Wellington sits this paradise just waiting for you to call home. You'll love driving up the picturesque driveway, through gorgeous Rimu, Totara, Beech and Kahikatea (among other) trees and into your own private world, with a few acres of paddock/grassed areas, pockets of native bush and trees, and beyond a small plot of pine, a huge native forest extending right up to the ridgeline. Full of absolutely beautiful trees, some up to a metre in diameter, owning something so precious as a forest like this will become a life-long pleasure and something you'll be proud to protect!

Teeming with wildlife, it's common to spot tuis, bellbirds, moreporks, kereru, pukeko, lorikeets, fantails and more! On special, yet still frequent occasions, you'll find deer, often in groups of 8-10 wandering your property - a beautiful sight to enjoy at the start or end of your day. The proposed building site enjoys all-day sun and there are no covenants so design your dream and make it happen! This piece of land will suit a nature-lover who wants to escape the hustle and bustle, yet not have to drive hours from civilisation to get home!

Come and see us this Thursday evening 6.00 - 6.45pm or Saturday 2.00 - 2.45pm or call me on 021 800 889 to arrange a private viewing outside of these hours.

- 11.42ha (28.22 acres)
- Majority native trees and bush, with a plot of pine and a few acres of near-flat grass/paddock
- Enquiries Over $520,000
- Offers will not be considered prior to 5 December 2017
Upper Valley Middle School中小学03.2公里
Heretaunga College中学63.6公里
St Joseph's School (Upper Hutt)小学74.6公里
Hutt International Boys' School中学103.3公里
St Brendan's School (Heretaunga)小学83.7公里


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