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Upper Hutt City 平均房价
Upper Hutt City 租金均价
Whitemans Valley租金搜索
Upper Hutt City 学校
A31e Kakariki Way, Whitemans Valley
$449,000+ listed in 2017年05月
土地面积: 38,200 sqm [测量]
销售中介: Safari Real Estate Ltd Tommy's, Lower Hutt

地图位置 | 街景 | 周边 | 公交
Lifestyle sections like this are becoming scarce, especially in popular Kakariki Way, just a 10 minute drive to Sliverstream Village, motorway and railway station. Situated at the end of a private driveway you will find this unique piece of real estate with well fenced boundaries and amazing panoramic views. Build your dream home here on one of the several building sites and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of your own lifestyle property while being close enough to commute to town. Situated on 3.8 HA (approx.) you will have plenty of room for some livestock and with school bus on the corner this makes for a very attractive lifestyle choice. Call for an appointment now.
Wa Ora Montessori School中小学84.6公里
Silverstream Christian School中小学996.1公里
St Patrick's College (Silverstream)中学96.3公里
St Bernadette's School (Naenae)小学25.3公里
Tui Glen School小学24.6公里


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